The Pre-meal Sniff

Growing up in a Creole Mauritian household, chances are you’re being raised a Catholic. I was certainly no exception to that. Church* every Sunday and more importantly- a prayer before dinner.

Each weeknight as we sat at the table, we would take turns in saying the prayer:

“Thank you for the food,

please give to those that don’t have any,

bless the one that prepared it.


It created a moment where we routinely stopped and were collectively mindful of what we had before us. Though I’m not religious anymore, before every meal, I religiously close my eyes, bury my big squishy nose into my plate– and take a big glorious sniff.

With that sniff, comes an immediate joy from the smell of a good meal. With that sniff, then comes a peace for body and mind,  knowing that it is time to eat. Nothing more, nothing less.




*(St. Andrew’s, Marayong represent)


Loic Savrimoutou