Food Cooperatives - a new (old) way of buying food?
Last year I did a program with Youth Food Movement and learned a bunch about food related sustainability initiatives. One of those initiatives is the food co-operative (or co-ops).
I touched base with one of the YFM co-leaders, Cressida Rigney, who was gracious enough to shed more light. With a pretty gnarly range of benefits, ranging from saving money, to building community – you might find yourself keen to join one yourself.
What is a food co-op?
Food co-ops are people-centred organisations, which are run to benefit their members. Members own and control the organisation, and are based on the values of self-help, equity and solidarity.
It relies on the participation of members/volunteers in the running of the organisation. Members have a say, and the funds raised are used for a mutual benefit.
What are the benefits of food co-ops?
Food co-ops buy in bulk, and can therefore access better prices for produce. Better prices, means all involved save money. By supporting particular suppliers, it benefits them without having to support supermarkets*.
Food co-ops are also convenient as you don’t need to plan your weekly shop, and the produce is seasonal – so it’s always fresh. The produce changes every week, so there’s an excitement in not knowing what you’re going to get! It also helps train people to cook with what they have.
How do you join one, and how does it work?
It varies between food co-ops. Some have annual subscriptions, weekly stalls or even a physical store. It’s best to find a local co-op, and go from there.
To get started, check out Sustainable Table’s list of food co-ops across Australia.
- L
* I think this is a really good point –this reminded me of excessively low milk prices at supermarkets. Instead of the big supermarkets taking a hit, it was the dairy farmers losing out in a big way. Though cost of living pressures are real - it’s only fair that the people who grow our food get their fair share too.